I recently covered the topic: " What am I doing wrong?" on social media.
If you feel your design is wrong, likely, you don’t have a strategy or system.
If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that in November, I went to an event, and I found a ball gown dress and the whole outfit the day off.
I’m a last-minute shopper when finding clothes for an event. Now, I wouldn’t recommend that anyone do this because I was completely stressed. However, I would not have been able to successfully find an outfit if I didn’t have a plan in place.
I had mapped out. . .
➡️ The look
➡️ The stores I was shopping at
➡️ A few backup stores just in case
➡️ The time I needed to find my items
➡️ An overall timeframe of the entire day
Had I not thought these things through or devised a plan, I would have missed the event.
This scenario resembles throwing together designs and hoping they connect with your audience.
Like a last-minute shopper, I like to quickly throw my designs together for my brand. I can recall redesigning my entire website in just one day. I can do this because I have a strategy for my business

and design sequence.
If you’re out here throwing together designs and have no plan, it’s no wonder your designs aren’t connecting with your audience and converting to clients. You’re doing yourself a complete disservice by not having a strategy.
Your design and your systems cannot function without a strategy.
Here's what you need to have mapped out BEFORE you throw designs together:
The Brand Foundation
The Business Essentials
The Competitor Analysis
The Brag Bank
The Client Persona
The Core Services
The Signature Framework
The Systems Identification
The Systems Analysis
The Beta Marketing Strategy
The Content Topics
The Photoshoot Strategy
Your Brand Voice + Vibe
Your Mood Board
Your Brand Colors
Your Typography
Your Logo Suite (Primary, Secondary, Icon + Mark)
Your Complete Brand Guidelines
➡️ Got questions about this topic? I’ll be in the comments.